1. Saga Women’s Junior College Global Education Center (GECSW)


The growing globalization of Japanese society has resulted in a need for human resources who possess a global perspective on a range of issues (peace, human rights, the environment, economy, development) and who can act from this global perspective on these issues. Colleges and universities also need to contribute to society by disseminating to the local community and the world at large the results of research and educational achievements on these global issues.

GECSW was established in April 2016 to support education and research facilitating the development of such global human resources.

2. Roles of GECSW

1) The development of global human resources through overseas study programs

    Overseas internships

    Double degree program

    Exchange programs

    Short programs

    The development of new programs with all college departments


2) Acceptance of overseas students

    Double degree program

    Exchange program

    Short training programs

    Japanese program

    Internships in Japan


3) Practice of Global education on and off campus

    The development of educational programs that promote cross-cultural

    understanding, international exchange, and deeper understanding of global issues

    and multicultural coexistence.

    The dispatch of speakers on global issues to elementary, junior and high schools

    International exchange events on and off campus

    Lectures regarding global issues for the local community


4) Publication and diffusion of the educational research achievement

    Seminars and symposia in Japan and overseas

    The exchange of faculty between Saga Women’s Junior College and colleges


    Publication of the results of research and global educational programs (on web)

Director of GECSW

Vice Directors

Jonathan Moxon (Department of Career Design)

Mamiyo Hitsumoto (Department of Child Education)

Mingyong Na (Department of Health and Social Welfare)